Post by christina. on Mar 14, 2009 10:43:38 GMT
AMAZING REVIEW!!!!!!!! karma girlie and kudos for screamin even louder after that douche told you to pipe down! thank you! is it cassie? i think it is! returned when i can! "oh there was this guy standing next to me and he was like 'can you seriously be quiet?' and i was just like 'are you f***ing serious???' - that made me just want to scream louder" hahahahahahaha! have some karma haha thanks sam! im like 'we are at a concert you know?' pfft! ill add another karma to your already 4 owed by me!
Post by christina. on Mar 14, 2009 10:46:23 GMT
also, haha i saw one person wearing a t-shirt saying "attention: i'm not here for sex on fire" me and my friend were making a joke about it and how it probably said on the back of it, "i'm here for use somebody" haha. nahswedtrGRT%hg HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!! karma when i can! name?
Post by Sam on Mar 14, 2009 10:48:37 GMT
haha thanks!
These girls standing behind me during The Stills were like "is this band really necessary?" i turned around and gave a very blunt "yes." she was like "oh do you know them or something?" then my friend goes "no, shes just not rude".
people are idiots sometimes.
Post by christina. on Mar 14, 2009 10:52:38 GMT
^^ omg i no! some people i just want to... onroiwneofnw! like they take the time to come play for us! bloody appreciate them!!!
did anyone from melb notice how empty the venue was until like 8.50? as if you dont wanna come for the whole experience of the opening act and everything!!
Post by Pixie Haired Babie on Mar 14, 2009 10:55:50 GMT
also, haha i saw one person wearing a t-shirt saying "attention: i'm not here for sex on fire" me and my friend were making a joke about it and how it probably said on the back of it, "i'm here for use somebody" haha. nahswedtrGRT%hg HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!! karma when i can! name? carsten.
Post by christina. on Mar 14, 2009 10:58:03 GMT
^^ hi carsten, im christina!
Post by Freebird on Mar 14, 2009 11:04:47 GMT
I felt so bad for the stills there were hardly any people in there watching them and they are really good. Later in the evening Caleb gave a shout out to them and the crowd barely even clapped. I screamed as loud as possible to make up for the idiots.
Post by Pixie Haired Babie on Mar 14, 2009 11:08:10 GMT
^^ hi carsten, im christina! well hello yeah the stills, poor guys. but they kind of acted as if they were the biggest rockstars in the world. but good on them.
Post by christina. on Mar 14, 2009 11:09:52 GMT
I felt so bad for the stills there were hardly any people in there watching them and they are really good. Later in the evening Caleb gave a shout out to them and the crowd barely even clapped. I screamed as loud as possible to make up for the idiots. ^i thought it was so stupid!! as if you dont turn up till 10 minutes before they play! its not like there a crap band or anything! like GA and so many seats were empty until like 9! is something wrong with those people? and yeahh i was the same when caleb said thanks to them!
Post by Freebird on Mar 14, 2009 11:18:12 GMT
^People were to busy getting drunk in the foyer
Post by christina. on Mar 14, 2009 11:23:28 GMT
Post by rocketqueen on Mar 14, 2009 12:00:12 GMT
Cold Desert and Manhattan are mine
Post by christina. on Mar 14, 2009 12:33:25 GMT
^ oh sorry! do you mind if i posted them?
Post by montana on Mar 14, 2009 12:46:16 GMT
Aw guys, thank you all so much for your lovely reviews Sounds like you guys had a ball....i'm sooooooooooooo jealous you got caleb in a vest...damn you aussies and your hot hot weather
Cold as a Grave
Posts: 25
Post by tommo3 on Mar 14, 2009 13:09:52 GMT
that guy with the 'not here for sex on fire' tshirt was sitting next to me . he actually sat down and blocked his ears the whole time it was being played too. people were getting their photos taken with him . yeah it was so surprising how empty it was just before the kings came on, i thought the stills were good.
Post by taperjeangirlll on Mar 15, 2009 0:28:50 GMT
These 15 year olds in front me goes "ugh, I wish they'd hurry up and just play sex on fire".
I almost died.
Post by annie is a prayin' on Mar 15, 2009 0:34:22 GMT
oh god. i would slap them down. i feel so ashamed to be 15 sometimes. but i am not one of those idiots who payed $90 to hear one song. i'm going to be screaming my head off to all the oldies.
Post by Savanna on Mar 15, 2009 0:37:09 GMT
Ahh thanks so much for the reviews you guys. I'm determined to see the Kings play in Australia. Except all of your stories about these stupid people make me so angry, makes me want to suckerpunch em.
What did Caleb do when he got hit in the head with a bra?! I would pay to see that.
Post by sarah/// on Mar 15, 2009 0:38:51 GMT
Caleb got hit with a bra?? did I miss something?
Post by Savanna on Mar 15, 2009 0:39:42 GMT
Yes! Haha it's in the first review